XML Files

Each document in the collection is encoded in a separate XML file. Our naming scheme consists of multiple nodes, separated by hyphens.

The Viola Muse Collection at the Jacksonville Historical Society

We have named the files corresponding to these items as follows:

jhs — Jacksonville Historical Society

195918 — JHS's internal identifier for Viola Muse Collection (1959.18)

01 — folder number

01 — number of item within folder

For example, the first document in the first folder is jhs-195918-01-01.xml.

We use a two-digit node for JHS folder number because there are eighteen folders in the collection. Likewise we have used a two-digit note for item number because no folder contains more than 99 documents.

After initially numbering all of the documents, we discovered that some items were actually part of others, or otherwise reconsidered decisions we had made. Instead of attempting a process of renaming to account for these situations, we have left a few gaps in the numbering. Specifically, the following do not exist: jhs-195918-08-03, jhs-195918-08-03, jhs-195918-12-03, jhs-195918-12-04. We believe this approach is preferable to renaming files to close these gaps, as such a process would have implications for many XML and image files, along with hyperlinks, and therefore would likely introduce errors into the edition, even if approached with caution.

Ancillary Materials

We name the files corresponding to the materials from WPA Slave Narratives, vol. 3, in the following format:

loc — Library of Congress

sn — Slave Narratives

v3 — vol. 3

xx — initials of interviewee 

For example, the file corresponding to Charles Coates Narrative (2 of 2) is loc-sn-v3-cc.xml.

The XML files corresponding to the selections from The Florida Negro are named as follows:

fn — Florida Negro

# or #-# — inclusive page numbers, using the pagination of manuscript

For instance, the file corresponding to Biographical Sketch of W.E. Dancer in The Florida Negro is fn-151.xml. The file for "Git It 'n Run!" from The Florida Negro is fn-27-29.xml.